

By Prohetess Owens
One thing we need to understand is that in order for change to come, we have to move when the Lord says so. When we talk about change, it covers so many areas in our lives. God could be speaking this year for you to change jobs, change your address, change your location, change your attitude, change your prayer life etc.

Like everything else, a New Year begins and with that a new change begins.  We are forever changing and it is my prayer for 2011 that we will really let the Holy Spirit change us from the inside out.  I truly believe that this is the year for the body of Christ to begin to display the fruit of the spirit, not only display it but allow it to come forth in demonstration and operation. What is the fruit of the spirit? Galatians 5:22-23 says its, Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Goodness, Faith, Meekness and Temperance.


Change has become hard for many believers because we tend to hold on to the familiar. And many times we refuse to embrace where God wants to position us. One thing we need to understand is that in order for change to come, we have to move when the Lord says so. When we talk about change, it covers so many areas in our lives.  God could be speaking this year for you to change jobs, change your address, change your location, change your attitude, change your prayer life etc.


I don't know what God is speaking to you but now is the time to make a sound decision that you are going to trust the voice of the Father as never before. I want you to understand that change is good; don't look at it as a negative but as a positive. God wants to position his people for greatness.


Everything is changing around us, even the nights are changing, the days are changing, and the times are changing. We can no longer afford to hold on to pass hurts, rejections, and heartaches. These things will only hinder our destiny.  When you embrace change those things will slowly fad away.  See yourself this year as one whom God has chosen and called for this time and season to do his work.


I pray blessings upon each and every one of you. These blessings come through obedience; the Bible says that obedience is better than sacrifice. The Holy Spirit gave me two profound and powerful words at the beginning of this year.  He said Harvesting and Change. People of God, can't you see the fields are ready for harvest? It's time for the change to start in us so that we can make the difference in others, until we change nothing around us will change.


I love you all and I pray that this year will be a positive year of change in each and every one of your lives.  Don't resist it, just embrace it.


In His Love


Pastor Thelma Owens

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